keros 1.2

Table Of Contents


Import Summary

Import Definitions
${keros.locale.HOME}/keros-messages.xmlImport local specific messages. Import locale specific messages.

Task Definition Summary

Task Definitions
Not DefinedNeeded to use Castor. Castor definition...
Not DefinedNeeded to use FindBugs. FindBugs definition...
net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xmlNeeded to use ant-contrib. Ant Contrib definition...
org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xmlNeeded to use ivy. Ivy definition...

Macro Definition Summary

Macro Definitions
ant2htmlConverts Ant scripts to HTML
antDocConverts Ant scripts to HTML
assert-dir-existsDetermines if @{dir} exists and if not, fails with @{error-msg}.
assert-equalDetermines if @{str1} is equal to @{str2}. If the two are not equal, message defined in @{error-msg} is displayed.
assert-file-existsDetermines if @{file} exists and if not, fails with @{error-msg}.
assert-is-numberDetermines if @{number} is a number. If @{number} is not a number, @{error-msg} will be displayed.
assert-not-equalDetermines if @{str1} is not equal to @{str2}. If the two are equal, message defined in @{error-msg} is displayed.
assert-ref-idDetermines if @{ref-id} is a ref id and if not fails with an error message defined in @{error-msg}.
auto-propertyDefine setting properties using either environment variables or default values. The property entitled @{property} will not be re-set if it is currently defined (set).
basenameSame as Ant's stock basename task - however, this allows the property to be reset.
compute-branchCompute the branch based upon a root dir, @{root}, and full path, @{full-path}. The branch represents the full path minus the root dir. Please note: if @{root} does not exist in @{full-path}, @{property} will be set with an empty value.
compute-class-branchCompute the class' branch information converting dots to OS file separator. By branch the meaning is to convey the branch in the CLASSPATH. The path representation of @{class-name} is stored in property @{property}.
compute-class-infoCompute information about a class - namely its parent dir and file name (less the .class).
compute-file-extensionComputes the extension of @{file}.
compute-number-left-trimTrim preceeding 0's from @{number} and store in the property entitled @{property}.
compute-number-right-trimTrim ppostceeding 0's from @{number} after decimal and store in the property entitled @{property}.
compute-number-trimTrim ppostceeding 0's from @{number} after decimal and store in the property entitled @{property}.
compute-replacementReplace characters from @{str}. The characters to be replaced are contained in @{to-replace}. The replacement characters are contained in @{replacement}. The replaced data is stored in property @{property}. Please note if @{str} does not contain any data in @{to-replace} the value of @{property} will be @{str}.
compute-timestampCompute the current time stamp in YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.
conditional-set-propertyThis will conditionally set a property whether. If @{property} is set it will use @{set} otherwise @{unset}.
console-inputWill prompt for input if property not set (or if the @{always} attribute is true). If @{always} is true and @{property} is set and @{default} is empty, the value of @{property} becomes the @{default} value. If the attribute @{required} is true and no value is set for @{property}, this macro will cause a fail to be invoked. Please note that if @{default} is set and input is prompted but the user does not enter anything, the value of @{default} will be used to set the property!
copyThis will copy from @{src} to @{dest-dir}.
copy-dirThis will copy the contents of a directory from @{src-dir} to @{dest-dir}. Please note: if @{dest-dir} does not exist, it will be created.
copy-ref-idThis will copy from @{src-ref-id} to @{dest-dir}. Please note: if @{dest-dir} does not exist, it will be created.
delete-fileDeletes @{file} if @{is-deletable} is yes or true.
dirnameSame as Ant's stock dirname task - however, this allows the property to be reset.
equality-set-propertyThis will set the value of the property entitled @{name} based upon a comparison to the value contained by the property ${property}. If @{property} equals @{value}, @{name} will be set to @{equal}, otherwise it will be set to @{unequal}.
execute-java-appExecute a java class whose class name is @{class-property}. If this property is not set, the user will be prompted for the class name.
forThis implements a for loop with starting and ending values for the loop.
HtmlAnchorGenerates an HTML anchor
HtmlAttributeGenerates an HTML attribute
HtmlBreakGenerates n HTML break
HtmlDivGenerates an HTML unordered list
HtmlDocumentGenerates an HTML document
HtmlElementGenerates an HTML element
HtmlFrameGenerates an HTML frame
HtmlFrameSetGenerates an HTML frameset
HtmlHeaderGenerates an HTML header
HtmlLeafElementGenerates an HTML element
HtmlLinkGenerates an HTML anchor
HtmlTextGenerates and HTML text value
HtmlUnorderedListGenerates an HTML unordered list
if-dir-existsDetermines if @{dir} exists and will act accordingly.
if-file-existsDetermines if @{file} exists and will act accordingly.
install-tar-bz2Download and install a tar.bz2
install-tar-gzDownload and install a tar.gz
javacc2javaDefines a simpler javacc - acting similar to javacc. One does not need to specify each and every JavaCC file - simply provide a root or @{src-dir} location from which to start finding javacc files for invocation with the javacc task. The branch directory from @{dest-dir} is computed from @{src-dir} and the javacc files found.
lib-install-fileInstall a library jar
lib-install-tar-bz2Install a library from an application
lib-install-tar-gzInstall a library from an application
lib-install-zipInstall a library from an application
load-fileThis will load a file into a property. If @{property} was already set, it will be overridden.
NavDefDefine a navigation HTML window
NavItemAn item that is navigatable
NavItemIndentAn item that is navigatable
number-compareImplements a simplistic switch/case for comparing two numbers - less than, greater than, equal to or not equal.
print-ref-idPrint the contents of @{ref-id} to the console.
process-listAllows one to iterate over a list/files and for each element in the list know the previous, current and next values.
property-defaultGive a property a default value if not set
releaseCreate a release.
set-propertyThis will set a property whether its set or not.
svn2htmlConverts Subversion output to HTML
svn-xml-logRetrieve the log information from subversion in XML format.
truncate-file-extensionTruncates the extension of @{file}.
unpackWill untar tar.bz2/tar.gz files as well as unzip zip files
unpack-bz2Will bunzip2/untar tar.bz2 files
unpack-gzWill gunzipz/untar tar.gz files
unpack-tarWill untar tar files
unpack-zipWill gunzipz/untar tar.gz files

Script Definition Summary

Script Definitions
compute-file-modification-datebeanshellStore the file modification date in @{property}.
compute-localebeanshellSets the locale of the current JVM.
replace-urlbeanshellConverts static text URL to an HTML a-href.

Target Summary

Target Definitions
keros.print-propertiesNot DefinedNot DefinedNot Defined


Macro Definition Details


Converts Ant scripts to HTML

Attribute Definitions
basedirThe directory in which to start searching for Ant scripts.Not Defined
dest-dirThe directory in which the transformation will occur.Not Defined
includesThe file pattern to include when transforming.Not Defined
versionThe version number/value to include in the heading.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Converts Ant scripts to HTML

Attribute Definitions
dirThe directory to start recursively applying AntDoc.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Determines if @{dir} exists and if not, fails with @{error-msg}.

Attribute Definitions
dirThe name of the directory that should exist.Not Defined
error-msgThe message to display if @{dir} does not exist.${keros.assert-dir-exists.error-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Determines if @{str1} is equal to @{str2}. If the two are not equal, message defined in @{error-msg} is displayed.

Attribute Definitions
str1Compared to @{str2}.Not Defined
str2Compared to @{str1}.Not Defined
error-msgThe message to display if @{str1} not equal to @{str2}.${keros.assert-equal.error-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Determines if @{file} exists and if not, fails with @{error-msg}.

Attribute Definitions
fileThe name of the file that should exist.Not Defined
error-msgThe message to display if @{file} does not exist.${keros.assert-file-exists.error-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Determines if @{number} is a number. If @{number} is not a number, @{error-msg} will be displayed.

Attribute Definitions
numberUsed to determine if a number or not.Not Defined
error-msgThe message to display if @{number} is not a number.${keros.assert-is-number.error-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Determines if @{str1} is not equal to @{str2}. If the two are equal, message defined in @{error-msg} is displayed.

Attribute Definitions
str1Compared to @{str2}.Not Defined
str2Compared to @{str1}.Not Defined
error-msgThe message to display if @{str1} equals @{str2}.${keros.assert-not-equal.error-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Determines if @{ref-id} is a ref id and if not fails with an error message defined in @{error-msg}.

Attribute Definitions
ref-idThe name of the ref id that should be a ref id.Not Defined
error-msgThe message to display if @{ref-id} is not a ref id.${keros.assert-ref-id.error-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Define setting properties using either environment variables or default values. The property entitled @{property} will not be re-set if it is currently defined (set).

Attribute Definitions
propertyThe name of the property to set.Not Defined
defaultThe default value to use if the property named, @{property}, is not set.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Same as Ant's stock basename task - however, this allows the property to be reset.

Attribute Definitions
fileThe path to take the basename of.Not Defined
propertyThe name of the property to set.Not Defined
suffixThe suffix to remove from the resulting basename (specified either with or without the .).Not Defined
prependInformation to prepend to property's value.Not Defined
appendInformation to append to property's value.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Compute the branch based upon a root dir, @{root}, and full path, @{full-path}. The branch represents the full path minus the root dir. Please note: if @{root} does not exist in @{full-path}, @{property} will be set with an empty value.

Attribute Definitions
rootThe root of the path defined in @{full-path}.Not Defined
full-pathThe absolute path for which @{root} is the root of the path and the branch computed is this path minus the root.Not Defined
propertyThe property to set with the branch.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Compute the class' branch information converting dots to OS file separator. By branch the meaning is to convey the branch in the CLASSPATH. The path representation of @{class-name} is stored in property @{property}.

Attribute Definitions
class-nameThe fully qualified class name.Not Defined
propertyThe property to set when @{class-name} is converted to path notation.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Compute information about a class - namely its parent dir and file name (less the .class).

Attribute Definitions
class-nameThe fully qualified class name for which a directory and file name are sought.Not Defined
dir-propertyThe name of the property that will hold the directory of @{class-name}.Not Defined
file-propertyThe name of the property that will hold the file name of @{class-name}.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Computes the extension of @{file}.

Attribute Definitions
fileThe name of the file for whom we wish to compute the extension.Not Defined
propertyThe name of the property to set.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Trim preceeding 0's from @{number} and store in the property entitled @{property}.

Attribute Definitions
propertyThe name of the property to store the results of triming preceeding 0's from @{number}.Not Defined
numberThe number who will have preceeding 0's trimmed.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Trim ppostceeding 0's from @{number} after decimal and store in the property entitled @{property}.

Attribute Definitions
propertyThe name of the property to store the results of triming postceeing 0's from decimal point from @{number}.Not Defined
numberThe number who will have preceeding 0's trimmed.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Trim ppostceeding 0's from @{number} after decimal and store in the property entitled @{property}.

Attribute Definitions
propertyThe name of the property to store the results of triming postceeing 0's from decimal point from @{number}.Not Defined
numberThe number who will have preceeding 0's trimmed.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Replace characters from @{str}. The characters to be replaced are contained in @{to-replace}. The replacement characters are contained in @{replacement}. The replaced data is stored in property @{property}. Please note if @{str} does not contain any data in @{to-replace} the value of @{property} will be @{str}.

Attribute Definitions
strThe string containing characters to be replaced.Not Defined
to-replaceThe characters to replace in @{str}.Not Defined
replacementThe replacement characters that will replace @{to-replace} in @{str}.Not Defined
propertyThe name of the property to hold the replaced characters.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Compute the current time stamp in YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.

Attribute Definitions
propertyThe property to set with the current time stamp.Not Defined
prefixThe prefix for property when time stamp is computed and stored in @{property}.Not Defined
suffixThe suffix for property when time stamp is computed and stored in @{property}.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


This will conditionally set a property whether. If @{property} is set it will use @{set} otherwise @{unset}.

Attribute Definitions
nameThe name of the property to set.Not Defined
propertyThe name of the property to examine to see if set.Not Defined
setThe value to use if @{property} is set.Not Defined
unsetThe value to use if @{property} is not set.Not Defined
is-warnableA flag, if true states a warning should be displayed - anything else no warning is outputted.true
warning-msgif set to anything and the property named, name, is set, will echo the value of this param. Please note, the property will still be set.${keros.conditional-set-property.warning-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Will prompt for input if property not set (or if the @{always} attribute is true). If @{always} is true and @{property} is set and @{default} is empty, the value of @{property} becomes the @{default} value. If the attribute @{required} is true and no value is set for @{property}, this macro will cause a fail to be invoked. Please note that if @{default} is set and input is prompted but the user does not enter anything, the value of @{default} will be used to set the property!

Attribute Definitions
promptWhen requesting input, the message to display.Not Defined
propertyThe property to set.Not Defined
defaultThe default value to use if upon input, nothing entered.Not Defined
alwaysIf true will prompt for input regardless if property has been set.false
requiredIf true, after input the property must be set or failure will occur.true
error-msgIf @{property} is required and no value set, the error message to display.${keros.console-input.error-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


This will copy from @{src} to @{dest-dir}.

Attribute Definitions
srcThe source to copy from - be it a file, dir or ref id.Not Defined
dest-dirThe directory to copy to.Not Defined
error-msgError message to display if @{src} does not exist or is not a file, dir or ref id.${keros.copy.error-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


This will copy the contents of a directory from @{src-dir} to @{dest-dir}. Please note: if @{dest-dir} does not exist, it will be created.

Attribute Definitions
src-dirThe source dir copy from.Not Defined
dest-dirThe directory to copy to.Not Defined
error-msgError message to display if @{src-dir} does not exist.${keros.copy-dir-set-property.error-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


This will copy from @{src-ref-id} to @{dest-dir}. Please note: if @{dest-dir} does not exist, it will be created.

Attribute Definitions
src-ref-idThe source to copy from - be it a file, dir or ref id.Not Defined
dest-dirThe directory to copy to.Not Defined
error-msgError message to display if @{src-ref-id} is not a ref id.${keros.copy-ref-id.error-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Deletes @{file} if @{is-deletable} is yes or true.

Attribute Definitions
fileA file to delete if @{is-deletable} is true or yes.Not Defined
is-deletableIf yes or true, @{file} will be removed.true
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Same as Ant's stock dirname task - however, this allows the property to be reset.

Attribute Definitions
fileThe path to take the basename of.Not Defined
propertyThe name of the property to set.Not Defined
prependInformation to prepend to property's value.Not Defined
appendInformation to append to property's value.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


This will set the value of the property entitled @{name} based upon a comparison to the value contained by the property ${property}. If @{property} equals @{value}, @{name} will be set to @{equal}, otherwise it will be set to @{unequal}.

Attribute Definitions
nameThe name of the property to set.Not Defined
propertyThe name of the property to examine for equality/inequality.Not Defined
valueThe value to compare against @{property}.Not Defined
equalthe value to use if @{property} equals @{value}.Not Defined
unequalThe value to use if @{property} not equal to @{value}.Not Defined
is-warnableA flag, if true states a warning should be displayed - anything else no warning is outputted.true
warning-msgThe message to emit if @{name} is currently set.${keros.equality-set-property.warning-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Execute a java class whose class name is @{class-property}. If this property is not set, the user will be prompted for the class name.

Attribute Definitions
class-propertyThe name of the property who has the fully qualified class name to execute.Not Defined
class-path-refThe class path for executing the java app.Not Defined
args-propertyThe name of the property who has the arguments to pass to the class.Not Defined
class-prompt-msgThe message to use if the property defined by class-property name has not been set.${keros.execute-java-app.class-prompt-msg}
args-prompt-msgThe message to use if the property defined by args-property name has not been set.${keros.execute-java-app.args-prompt-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


This implements a for loop with starting and ending values for the loop.

Attribute Definitions
propertyThe name of the property that will contain the current value of the loop.Not Defined
startThe start value of the loop.1
endThe end value of the loopNot Defined
incThe value to increment (or decrement) when looping.1
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Generates an HTML anchor

Attribute Definitions
fileThe file to write the anchor toNot Defined
charsetDescription unavailableNot Defined
coordsDescription unavailableNot Defined
hrefDescription unavailableNot Defined
hreflangDescription unavailableNot Defined
nameDescription unavailableNot Defined
relDescription unavailableNot Defined
revDescription unavailableNot Defined
shapeDescription unavailableNot Defined
targetDescription unavailableNot Defined
typeDescription unavailableNot Defined
textThe text of the anchorNot Defined
descriptionDescription unavailableNot Defined


Generates an HTML attribute

Attribute Definitions
fileThe file to write the attribute and value toNot Defined
nameThe literal attribute nameNot Defined
valueThe literable attribute valueNot Defined
descriptionInformation about calling this macrodefNot Defined


Generates n HTML break

Attribute Definitions
fileFile to write the HTML break toNot Defined
descriptionDescription unavailableNot Defined


Generates an HTML unordered list

Attribute Definitions
fileThe file to write the anchor toNot Defined
classDescription unavailableNot Defined
idDescription unavailableNot Defined
styleDescription unavailableNot Defined
titleDescription unavailableNot Defined
dirDescription unavailableNot Defined
langDescription unavailableNot Defined
accesskeyDescription unavailableNot Defined
tabindexDescription unavailableNot Defined
descriptionDescription unavailableNot Defined


Generates an HTML document

Attribute Definitions
fileThe file to write the html element toNot Defined
descriptionDescription unavailableNot Defined


Generates an HTML element

Attribute Definitions
fileThe file to write the HTML element toNot Defined
nameThe literal name of the elementNot Defined
descriptionInformation about calling this macrodefNot Defined


Generates an HTML frame

Attribute Definitions
fileThe file to write the frame toNot Defined
frameborderDescription unavailableNot Defined
longdescDescription unavailableNot Defined
marginheightDescription unavailableNot Defined
marginwidthDescription unavailableNot Defined
nameDescription unavailableNot Defined
noresizeDescription unavailableNot Defined
scrollingDescription unavailableNot Defined
srcDescription unavailableNot Defined
descriptionDescription unavailableNot Defined


Generates an HTML frameset

Attribute Definitions
fileThe file to write the frame set toNot Defined
colsDescription unavailableNot Defined
rowsDescription unavailableNot Defined
descriptionDescription unavailableNot Defined


Generates an HTML header

Attribute Definitions
fileThe file to write the HTML header toNot Defined
numberThe header number - for example H1Not Defined
textThe text of the headerNot Defined
descriptionDescription unavailableNot Defined


Generates an HTML element

Attribute Definitions
fileThe file to write the HTML element toNot Defined
nameThe literal name of the elementNot Defined
descriptionInformation about calling this macrodefNot Defined


Generates an HTML anchor

Attribute Definitions
fileThe file to write the anchor toNot Defined
charsetDescription unavailableNot Defined
hrefDescription unavailableNot Defined
hreflangDescription unavailableNot Defined
mediaDescription unavailableNot Defined
relDescription unavailableNot Defined
revDescription unavailableNot Defined
targetDescription unavailableNot Defined
typeDescription unavailableNot Defined
descriptionDescription unavailableNot Defined


Generates and HTML text value

Attribute Definitions
fileThe file to write the value of @{text} toNot Defined
textThe literal text to write to @{file}Not Defined
descriptionDescription unavailableNot Defined


Generates an HTML unordered list

Attribute Definitions
fileThe file to write the anchor toNot Defined
classDescription unavailableNot Defined
idDescription unavailableNot Defined
styleDescription unavailableNot Defined
titleDescription unavailableNot Defined
dirDescription unavailableNot Defined
langDescription unavailableNot Defined
accesskeyDescription unavailableNot Defined
tabindexDescription unavailableNot Defined
descriptionDescription unavailableNot Defined


Determines if @{dir} exists and will act accordingly.

Attribute Definitions
dirThe name of the directory to check for existance.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Determines if @{file} exists and will act accordingly.

Attribute Definitions
fileThe name of the file that should exist.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Download and install a tar.bz2

Attribute Definitions
urlThe URL containing a tar.bz2 file for downloadNot Defined
download-dirDirectory to perform downloadNot Defined
download-fileFile name of @{url} for downloadNot Defined
install-dirInstallation directoryNot Defined
descriptionInformation about calling this macroNot Defined


Download and install a tar.gz

Attribute Definitions
urlThe URL containing a tar.gz file for downloadNot Defined
download-dirDirectory to perform downloadNot Defined
download-fileFile name of @{url} for downloadNot Defined
install-dirInstallation directoryNot Defined
descriptionInformation about calling this macroNot Defined


Defines a simpler javacc - acting similar to javacc. One does not need to specify each and every JavaCC file - simply provide a root or @{src-dir} location from which to start finding javacc files for invocation with the javacc task. The branch directory from @{dest-dir} is computed from @{src-dir} and the javacc files found.

Attribute Definitions
src-dirThe directory from which to start searching for javacc files.Not Defined
dest-dirThe directory where javacc should generate - this is really the root directory from which javacc generation will be relative.Not Defined
javacc-homeThe location where JavaCC is installed.Not Defined
staticStatic generation flag for javacc.true
listfilesIf true, information will be displayed as to which files are being javac'd.true
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Install a library jar

Attribute Definitions
urlThe URL containing a tar.bz2 file for downloadNot Defined
download-fileFile name of @{url} for downloadNot Defined
lib-dirLibrary directory where @{includes} will be copiedNot Defined
descriptionInformation about calling this macroNot Defined


Install a library from an application

Attribute Definitions
urlThe URL containing a tar.bz2 file for downloadNot Defined
download-dirDirectory to perform downloadNot Defined
download-fileFile name of @{url} for downloadNot Defined
install-dirInstallation directoryNot Defined
lib-dirLibrary directory where @{includes} will be copiedNot Defined
descriptionInformation about calling this macroNot Defined


Install a library from an application

Attribute Definitions
urlThe URL containing a tar.bz2 file for downloadNot Defined
download-dirDirectory to perform downloadNot Defined
download-fileFile name of @{url} for downloadNot Defined
install-dirInstallation directoryNot Defined
lib-dirLibrary directory where @{includes} will be copiedNot Defined
descriptionInformation about calling this macroNot Defined


Install a library from an application

Attribute Definitions
urlThe URL containing a tar.bz2 file for downloadNot Defined
download-dirDirectory to perform downloadNot Defined
download-fileFile name of @{url} for downloadNot Defined
install-dirInstallation directoryNot Defined
lib-dirLibrary directory where @{includes} will be copiedNot Defined
descriptionInformation about calling this macroNot Defined


This will load a file into a property. If @{property} was already set, it will be overridden.

Attribute Definitions
src-fileThe location of the file to load and store in @{property}.Not Defined
propertyThe property to hold @{src-file}.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Define a navigation HTML window

Attribute Definitions
main-fileThe main file containing the framesetNot Defined
colsColumns attribute of the frameset25%,75%
toc-fileThe table of contents fileNot Defined
toc-titleThe title for the table of contentsNot Defined
toc-nameThe frame name of the table of contentstoc-frame
content-nameThe frame name for the contentcontent-frame
default-contentThe default page to display in the content frameNot Defined


An item that is navigatable

Attribute Definitions
toc-fileTable of contents file to write anchor and break toNot Defined
textText of the HTML anchorNot Defined
hrefLink for the HTML anchorNot Defined
targetTarget of the HTML anchorcontent-frame
descriptionDescription unavailableNot Defined


An item that is navigatable

Attribute Definitions
toc-fileTable of contents file to write anchor and break toNot Defined
textText of the HTML anchorNot Defined
hrefLink for the HTML anchorNot Defined
targetTarget of the HTML anchorcontent-frame
descriptionDescription unavailableNot Defined


Implements a simplistic switch/case for comparing two numbers - less than, greater than, equal to or not equal.

Attribute Definitions
arg1Compared against @{arg2}.Not Defined
arg2Compared against @{arg1}.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Print the contents of @{ref-id} to the console.

Attribute Definitions
ref-idThe name of the ref id to display.Not Defined
indentString to use for indenting the contents of refid.Not Defined
error-msgWhen printing @{ref-id}, if a directory does not exist and ant raises an error, this value will be displayed instead.${keros.print-ref-id.error-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Allows one to iterate over a list/files and for each element in the list know the previous, current and next values.

Attribute Definitions
listThe list to process.Not Defined
delimiterThe delimiter for @{list}.,
previousName of property to hold previous value in list.keros.PREVIOUS
currentName of property to hold current value in list.keros.CURRENT
nextName of property to hold next value in list.keros.NEXT
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Give a property a default value if not set

Attribute Definitions
nameThe name of the property for which a default value may be setNot Defined
default-valueIf @{property} is not set, this is the valeu that it will have as a defaultNot Defined
descriptionInformation about calling this macroNot Defined


Create a release.

Attribute Definitions
dirThe directory to create the release files.Not Defined
stage-dirThe staging directory where the created release files will be copied when completed.Not Defined
base-fileThe base name of the tar, zip, bzip and gzip files.Not Defined
base-dirDirectory name where the release when unpacked will reside.@{base-file}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


This will set a property whether its set or not.

Attribute Definitions
propertyThe name of the property to set.Not Defined
valueThe value to set the property to set.Not Defined
is-warnableA flag, if true states a warning should be displayed - anything else no warning is outputted.true
warning-msgif set to anything and the property named, property, is set, will echo the value of this param. Please note, the property will still be set.${keros.set-property.warning-msg}
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Converts Subversion output to HTML

Attribute Definitions
src-dirThe base directory in which to gather Subversion log information.Not Defined
dest-dirThe directory in which the transformation will occur.Not Defined
log-fileThe file that will contain the outputted XML.svn-log.xml
html-fileThe file that will contain HTML conversion from @{log-file}svn-log.html
rev-startThe Subversion starting revision number.0
rev-endThe Subversion ending revision number.HEAD
versionThe version number/value to include in the heading.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Retrieve the log information from subversion in XML format.

Attribute Definitions
dirThe directory in which to gather logging information.Not Defined
fileThe file that will contain the outputted XML.Not Defined
rev-startThe starting revision number.0
rev-endThe ending revision number.HEAD
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Truncates the extension of @{file}.

Attribute Definitions
fileThe name of the file for whom we wish to truncate the extension.Not Defined
propertyThe name of the property to set.Not Defined
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Will untar tar.bz2/tar.gz files as well as unzip zip files

Attribute Definitions
fileThe file to unpack.Not Defined
uncompress-dirDirectory where @{file} may uncompress before unpacking.${keros.tar.HOME}
unpack-dirThe root directory where directories/files contained within @{file} will be unpacked.Not Defined
clean-upIf yes or true (case insensitive), any intermediary files will be removed (for example tar files).true
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Will bunzip2/untar tar.bz2 files

Attribute Definitions
bz2-fileThe bz2 file to unpack.Not Defined
bunzip-dirThe directory where @{bz2-file} will be unpacked containing as a tar file.${keros.tar.HOME}
untar-dirThe directory where @{bz2-file}'s tar file will be unpacked.Not Defined
clean-upIf yes or true, the tar file will be removed.true
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Will gunzipz/untar tar.gz files

Attribute Definitions
gz-fileThe gz file to unpack.Not Defined
gunzip-dirThe directory where @{gz-file} will be unpacked containing as a tar file.${keros.tar.HOME}
untar-dirThe directory where @{gz-file}'s tar file will be unpacked.Not Defined
clean-upIf yes or true, the tar file will be removed.true
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Will untar tar files

Attribute Definitions
tar-fileThe tar file to unpack.Not Defined
untar-dirThe directory where @{tar-file} will be untar'd.Not Defined
clean-upIf yes or true, the tar file will be removed.true
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined


Will gunzipz/untar tar.gz files

Attribute Definitions
zip-fileThe zip file to unpack.Not Defined
unzip-dirThe directory where @{gz-file} will be unpacked containing as a tar file.Not Defined
clean-upIf yes or true, the tar file will be removed.true
descriptionInformation about this macro call.Not Defined

Script Definition Details


Store the file modification date in @{property}.

Attribute Definitions
fileDescription unavailableNot Defined
propertyDescription unavailableNot Defined
formatDescription unavailableNot Defined


Sets the locale of the current JVM.

Attribute Definitions
propertyDescription unavailableNot Defined


Converts static text URL to an HTML a-href.

Attribute Definitions
fileDescription unavailableNot Defined

Target Detail


Description unavailable

This target will output defined properties to the console...

Property Declarations

This section highlights all properties set by scope. For example, properties may be set at the project level, macrodef level or target level. This section only lists the property names - not their values.

Depends List

This section lists all the dependencies for targets in a hierarchical structure.